{% assign web_prod_app_id = "6LnsLCsfFEELl9SC0CicOvGeoboeqZob" %} {% assign web_app_ids = "6LnsLCsfFEELl9SC0CicOvGeoboeqZob,9iIYiOqDL0v9L7yBq5nKRpbzi1K80Wm5,IFLw82FyHzIzMOkwuFTLohnDQ4ja8PEt,QhHZ4JWElkrHTNsOwIVA2xu0Ab4U9dyD" | split: "," %} {% assign mobile_app_ids = "c9LXoSejx1ciCJnk99bLeJ6Lt85NCCEW,jQ7wzkkGrzlz1XTxkmwwF2TRSxNlev6Y,NFdbtzuLpri6rxHiSuqvnzJ7oQnDcQCi,nE5iNydoWenVfPH922jwQ6zAjWmr0l6Z" | split: "," %} {% assign my_title = prompt.screen.text.title %} {% comment %} Icons for auth0 mfa screens {% endcomment %} {% assign totp_icon = "data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width='32' height='32' viewBox='0 0 32 32' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath d='M22.75 3C22.0596 3 21.5 3.55964 21.5 4.25C21.5 4.94036 22.0596 5.5 22.75 5.5H25.25C25.9404 5.5 26.5 6.05964 26.5 6.75V9.25C26.5 9.94036 27.0596 10.5 27.75 10.5C28.4404 10.5 29 9.94036 29 9.25V6.75C29 4.67893 27.3211 3 25.25 3H22.75Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M18.01 9C17.4522 9 17 9.45219 17 10.01V13.99C17 14.5478 17.4522 15 18.01 15H21.99C22.5478 15 23 14.5478 23 13.99V10.01C23 9.45219 22.5478 9 21.99 9H18.01ZM19 13V11H21V13H19Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M9 18.01C9 17.4522 9.45219 17 10.01 17H13.99C14.5478 17 15 17.4522 15 18.01V21.99C15 22.5478 14.5478 23 13.99 23H10.01C9.45219 23 9 22.5478 9 21.99V18.01ZM11 19V21H13V19H11Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M23 18C23 17.4477 22.5523 17 22 17C21.4477 17 21 17.4477 21 18V21H18C17.4477 21 17 21.4477 17 22C17 22.5523 17.4477 23 18 23H21.99C22.5478 23 23 22.5478 23 21.99V18Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M9 14V10.01C9 9.45219 9.45219 9 10.01 9H14C14.5523 9 15 9.44772 15 10C15 10.5523 14.5523 11 14 11H11V14C11 14.5523 10.5523 15 10 15C9.44772 15 9 14.5523 9 14Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M5.5 22.75C5.5 22.0596 4.94036 21.5 4.25 21.5C3.55964 21.5 3 22.0596 3 22.75V25.25C3 27.3211 4.67893 29 6.75 29H9.25C9.94036 29 10.5 28.4404 10.5 27.75C10.5 27.0596 9.94036 26.5 9.25 26.5H6.75C6.05964 26.5 5.5 25.9404 5.5 25.25V22.75Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M3 6.75C3 4.67893 4.67893 3 6.75 3H9.25C9.94036 3 10.5 3.55964 10.5 4.25C10.5 4.94036 9.94036 5.5 9.25 5.5H6.75C6.05964 5.5 5.5 6.05964 5.5 6.75V9.25C5.5 9.94036 4.94036 10.5 4.25 10.5C3.55964 10.5 3 9.94036 3 9.25V6.75Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M29 22.75C29 22.0596 28.4404 21.5 27.75 21.5C27.0596 21.5 26.5 22.0596 26.5 22.75V25.25C26.5 25.9404 25.9404 26.5 25.25 26.5H22.75C22.0596 26.5 21.5 27.0596 21.5 27.75C21.5 28.4404 22.0596 29 22.75 29H25.25C27.3211 29 29 27.3211 29 25.25V22.75Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M12.5 13C12.5 12.7239 12.7239 12.5 13 12.5H14.5C14.7761 12.5 15 12.7239 15 13V14.5C15 14.7761 14.7761 15 14.5 15H13C12.7239 15 12.5 14.7761 12.5 14.5V13Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M17.5 17C17.2239 17 17 17.2239 17 17.5V19C17 19.2761 17.2239 19.5 17.5 19.5H19C19.2761 19.5 19.5 19.2761 19.5 19V17.5C19.5 17.2239 19.2761 17 19 17H17.5Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" %} {% assign phone_icon = "data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width='32' height='32' viewBox='0 0 32 32' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath d='M13 7.5C13 6.94772 13.4477 6.5 14 6.5H18C18.5523 6.5 19 6.94772 19 7.5C19 8.05228 18.5523 8.5 18 8.5H14C13.4477 8.5 13 8.05228 13 7.5Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath d='M16 25.5C16.8284 25.5 17.5 24.8284 17.5 24C17.5 23.1716 16.8284 22.5 16 22.5C15.1716 22.5 14.5 23.1716 14.5 24C14.5 24.8284 15.1716 25.5 16 25.5Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M7.25 6.25C7.25 4.17893 8.92893 2.5 11 2.5H21C23.0711 2.5 24.75 4.17893 24.75 6.25V25.75C24.75 27.8211 23.0711 29.5 21 29.5H11C8.92893 29.5 7.25 27.8211 7.25 25.75V6.25ZM11 5C10.3096 5 9.75 5.55964 9.75 6.25V25.75C9.75 26.4404 10.3096 27 11 27H21C21.6904 27 22.25 26.4404 22.25 25.75V6.25C22.25 5.55964 21.6904 5 21 5H11Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" %} {% assign email_icon = "data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M2 6C2 4.89543 2.89543 4 4 4H20C21.1046 4 22 4.89543 22 6V18C22 19.1046 21.1046 20 20 20H4C2.89543 20 2 19.1046 2 18V6ZM19.0126 5.75H4.98744L11.2045 11.9671C11.6438 12.4064 12.3562 12.4064 12.7955 11.9671L19.0126 5.75ZM3.75 16.7805L8.26987 11.5073L3.75 6.98744V16.7805ZM9.51096 12.7484L4.7953 18.25H19.2047L14.489 12.7484L14.0329 13.2045C12.9102 14.3273 11.0898 14.3273 9.96707 13.2045L9.51096 12.7484ZM20.25 6.98744V16.7805L15.7301 11.5073L20.25 6.98744Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" %} {% assign back_arrow_icon = "data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width='12' height='20' viewBox='0 0 12 20' fill='none' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath fill-rule='evenodd' clip-rule='evenodd' d='M0.375 10.0003C0.375 9.66865 0.506696 9.3506 0.741116 9.11611L9.48818 0.366233C9.97633 -0.122078 10.7678 -0.122076 11.2559 0.366235C11.7441 0.854547 11.7441 1.64626 11.2559 2.13457L3.39277 10.0003L11.2554 17.8654C11.7436 18.3537 11.7436 19.1455 11.2554 19.6338C10.7673 20.1221 9.9758 20.1221 9.48764 19.6338L0.741117 10.8844C0.506696 10.6499 0.375 10.3319 0.375 10.0003Z' fill='%231C1B1B'/%3e%3c/svg%3e" %} {%- auth0:head -%} {% comment %} Due to auth0's limitation, below prompt screens are shared at both enrollment-challenge and login-challenge use case {% endcomment %} {% comment %} This special js checks the condition of different urls, attach a special css class into a prompt screen, to separate above use cases, in order to meet UX requirement. {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Script add SoFi webview check {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Script to limit user input for phone number filed to 10 digits on phone enrollment screen for mfa flow {% endcomment %} {% if prompt.screen.name == "login" %} {% endif %} {% comment %} Script to disable action on the button to select country code on phone enrollment screen for mfa flow {% endcomment %} {% if application.id == "6LnsLCsfFEELl9SC0CicOvGeoboeqZob" or application.id == "jQ7wzkkGrzlz1XTxkmwwF2TRSxNlev6Y" %} {% endif %} {% if web_app_ids contains application.id and prompt.name == "login" %} {% comment %} GeoComply {% endcomment %} {% comment %} // 3/18 disabling geocomply experiment - cleanup for future {% endcomment %} {% endif %} {{ prompt.screen.texts.pageTitle }} {% comment %} CookieLaw banner {% endcomment %} {% if web_app_ids contains application.id %} {% if application.id == web_prod_app_id %} {% assign COOKIELAW_URL = "https://cdn.cookielaw.org/scripttemplates/otSDKStub.js" %} {% assign COOKIELAW_DATA_DOMAIN = "24cdcf72-0bb7-4281-832f-a3c0971510ee" %} {% else %} {% assign COOKIELAW_URL = "https://cdn.cookielaw.org/consent/24cdcf72-0bb7-4281-832f-a3c0971510ee-test/otSDKStub.js" %} {% assign COOKIELAW_DATA_DOMAIN = "24cdcf72-0bb7-4281-832f-a3c0971510ee-test" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if application.id %}
{% else %}
Two-factor authentication
{% endif %} {% if transaction.params.ext-error_msg == "register_duplicate" %}
The email you entered already exists as a registered user on our system. Please log in.
{% endif %} {% if transaction.params.ext-logout_msg == "logged_out_timeout" %}
You have been logged out. Please re-enter your information to log in again.
{% endif %} {% if transaction.params.ext-info_msg == "mny_joint_invite" %}
You have been invited to a joint account. Please log in or create an account to continue.
{% endif %}
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{%- auth0:widget -%}